Mindfulness Beyond Stress Management: A ‘How To’ for the Skeptical Lawyer

with Chelsy Castro, JD, MA, MSW, LCSW

Mindfulness is typically a misunderstood practice within the legal profession and is often dismissed as a fad or impractical. Strip away the trendiness, however, and legal professionals will find that implementing mindfulness into their everyday work can yield valuable results not only personally, but also professionally.  

Join lawyer-turned-psychotherapist Chelsy Castro for this free webinar session. Learn how legal professionals can benefit from a mindfulness practice, and gain valuable, science-based advice for incorporating mindfulness into your everyday routine. 

In this free webinar, you’ll learn: 

  •  What mindfulness is, and why it matters to lawyers' mental health
  • How to identify anxiety and depression in lawyers (with symptoms and behavioral examples)
  • The ethical implications of unmanaged anxiety and depression in lawyers, and why mindfulness is a critical skill for attorney work product and wellbeing
  • How To: Four science-backed realistic mindfulness practices lawyers can do every day


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Featured Presenter

Chelsy Castro


Chelsy Castro is CEO and Founder of Castro Jacobs Psychotherapy and Consulting (CJPC), a firm specializing in lawyer well-being. An attorney turned psychotherapist and performance coach, Chelsy counsels individuals, small groups, and the organizations they work for on how to achieve their goals in healthy and productive ways. Chelsy’s publications and trainings focus on science-based skills and strategies for improving performance and increasing well-being in high-pressure professions. After practicing law as a multilingual attorney in the field of international regulatory compliance, Chelsy later earned her clinical degree at the University of Chicago and shifted her focus to lawyer well-being. Prior to launching CJPC, Chelsy designed, developed, and managed clinical programs for the legal profession, and provided evidence-based psychotherapy and training for lawyers, judges, and law students.